Dear Colleagues and Friends,
It is our pleasure to inform you that Lazarski University in Warsaw and Project Pravo-Justice are kindly inviting all interested academics, practitioners and members of the judiciary, legislative and executive authorities, to an online seminar on:
Restructuring and bankruptcy have become increasingly relevant issues in Ukraine, particularly during the challenging times of war and Ukraine's integration into the European Union. Given the current economic situation, there is a high demand for both restructuring and bankruptcy processes to ensure a cost-effective market for distressed businesses.
Ukraine is currently working on improving its legislation in line with the EU Directive 2019/1023 on preventing restructuring. The existing creditor-oriented bankruptcy model in Ukraine should strive to maintain a balance and prevent parties from misusing the bankruptcy procedure, thereby fostering a cost-effective exit for distressed businesses.
The effective mechanism to prevent the shareholders and directors of the debtor from engaging in unfair practices is subsidiary liability. During this online event, the focus will be on discussing the actual judicial practices and challenges in enforcing subsidiary liability.
As the integration of Ukrainian and Polish markets is increasing, the experience of Poland as an EU member state becomes particularly valuable for Ukraine. This event is organized jointly with Institute for Bankruptcy, Restructuring Law and Insolvency Research (Poland).
- Prof. Anna HRYCAJ, Head of the Institute for Bankruptcy, Restructuring Law and Insolvency Research
- Bartosz SIERAKOWSKI, Deputy Director of the Institute for Bankruptcy, Restructuring Law and Insolvency Research, PhD
- Oleksandr BANASKO, Supreme Court justice, judge of the Bankruptcy Chamber of Commercial Cassation Court;
- Olena VOLYANSKA, member of the Council of Ukrainian National Association of Insolvency Practitioners.
Meeting ID: 858 3231 1075
Passcode: 999834
Post Conference report
On May 22, the EU Project Pravo-Justice together with the Institute for Bankruptcy and Restructuring Law and Insolvency Studies (Poland) held the online round table: “Subsidiary Liability of Shareholders and Management: Ukrainian and Polish Perspectives”.
Below you will find link to the post-conference report prepared by the EU Project Pravo-Justice.