Conference date and guidelines
- May 23, 2024
- 10.00 am - 3.00 pm (CET)
- online, Ms Teams
Conference Organizers
- Organizer - Lazarski University in Warsaw, Faculty of Law and Administration
- Co-organizer - Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Faculty of Law and Administration
- Co-organizer – Institute of Justice in Warsaw
Dear Sir or Madam,
We are pleased to announce that Lazarski University in Warsaw invites all interested scholars, practitioners and representatives of the judiciary, the legislature and the executive to an international conference:
Social and Economic Aspects of Court and Out-of-Court Restructuring.
Informacja ws. finansowania

Projekt dofinansowany ze środków budżetu państwa, przyznanych przez Ministra Edukacji i Nauki w ramach Programu „Doskonała nauka II".
Description of the conference
Law is a social phenomenon whose form and effectiveness are determined by the socio-economic conditions of the society in which it is applied. For this reason, sometimes similar legal institutions are effective and efficient in certain jurisdictions and at the same time do not attract any interest in others. From a cognitive point of view, it is very important to study why certain legal solutions are effective in certain societies and not in others. The search for an answer to this question is one of the main objectives of the conference, the aim of which is to present the results of scientific research conducted in the field of legal, economic and sociological analysis of court and out-of-court restructuring processes. The presentation of the results of research in the field of court and out-of-court restructuring is of significant social importance due to the fact that the world economy is still struggling with the problems caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine. During the conference, papers will be presented by scientists from Europe, whose main subject of interest is restructuring and bankruptcy law.
In Poland, a significant increase in the number of pre-litigation restructuring cases occurred with the entry into force of the Act of 19 June 2020 on the simplified procedure for approval of the arrangement in connection with the occurrence of COVID-19 (i.e. Journal of Laws of 2022, item 2141), which introduced a simplified restructuring proceedings. Subsequently, some of the solutions of this act have been incorporated into the Restructuring Law. This means that the originally ad hoc and temporary solution will remain permanently in the Polish legal system. The phenomenon of pre-litigation restructuring has not been fully studied in Poland, both from a legal and socio-economic point of view. From a cognitive point of view, both the circumstances that determine the choice of such a method of restructuring and the effects of such a choice has on the socio-economic environment are important.
Conference program
Conference Organizing Committee & Scientific Council of the Conference
Conference Organizing Committee
- Anna Hrycaj, PhD, Associate Professor (Lazarski University in Warsaw) – Chairperson of the Committee
- Patryk Filipiak, PhD (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań)
- Bartosz Sierakowski, PhD (Lazarski University in Warsaw)
Scientific Council of the Conference
- Anna Hrycaj, PhD, Associate Professor (Lazarski University in Warsaw)
- Joanna Kruczalak-Jankowska, PhD, Associate Professor (University of Gdańsk)
- Prof. Rafał Adamus (University of Opole, HUMANITAS University in Sosnowiec)
- Prof. Aleksander Witosz (University of Economics in Katowice)
- Patryk Filipiak, PhD (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań)
- Bartosz Sierakowski, PhD (Lazarski University in Warsaw)
- Bartosz Groele (representative of insolvency practitioners)
The seminar is free of charge. In order to sign up, please click here.