We invite you to follow new posts in the “World events” tab.

We will place there relevant information on international events regarding bankruptcy and restructuring issues, such as trainings, conferences and congresses.

Here, we will also share with you interesting facts in the field of legislative solutions regulating the problems of insolvency in various countries around the world.

"World events" are being written by our expert Bartosz Sierakowski.

Upcoming events

Past events

EU Law for Insolvency Practitioners


Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) invites you to participate at free online training course "EU law for insolvency practitioners". The training course is open until the end of February 2025.

INSOL Europe Annual Congress 2024: Sorrento, Italy


Where: Sorrento, Italy *** When: 3-6 October 2024

INSOL Europe Academic Forum Conference 2024: Sorrento, Italy


The INSOL Europe Academic Forum invites you to the most important event of the year for insolvency academics in Europe, the INSOL Europe Academic Forum Conference, taking place on from 2-3 October in Italy.

EECC Conference 2024 - Krakow, Poland


Join us at INSOL Europe Eastern European Countries’ Committee Conference, Thursday 13 & Friday 14 June 2024, Krakow, Poland.

International Conference: Social and Economic Aspects of Court and Out-of-Court Restructuring


We are pleased to announce that Lazarski University in Warsaw invites all interested scholars, practitioners and representatives of the judiciary, the legislature and the executive to a International Conference titled: "Social and Economic Aspects of Court and Out-of-Court Restructuring".

INSOL San Diego 2024


Join us at INSOL San Diego 2024, where you can explore a comprehensive lineup of essential technical topics crucial for navigating complex scenarios. Our conference presents a one-of-a-kind chance to personally engage with the global insolvency and restructuring community. Be prepared for incisive content, relevant debate and valuable insight with senior thought leaders from across the sector, presenting ideas and engaging in conversation.

The report on the international conference "Preventive Restructuring in Europe. The PRD at Five: from Policy to Practice".

| IPUiR - Insolvency News

On 17-18 April, a conference on the implementation of the EU Preventive Restructuring Directive (PRD) organized by CERIL - Conference on European Restructuring and Insolvency Law was held at Mykolas Romeris University in Vilnius (MRU, Mykolas Romeris University). During the two-day conference, the experiences of individual EU Member States in the process of implementing the Preventive Restructuring Directive and the application of the implemented solutions were presented.      

The conference was attended by members of the Institute of Bankruptcy, Restructuring and Insolvency Law - Prof. Anna Hrycaj and Dr. Bartosz Sierakowski.  It was the second visit of representatives of our Institute to...

CERIL and MRU Conference: Preventive Restructuring in Europe. The PRD at five: from Policy to Practice


CERIL international conference, scheduled for Wednesday 17 and Thursday 18 April 2024, will focus on: Preventive Restructuring in Europe. Five years after its adoption, most EU Member States have implemented the PRD 2019, while also inspiring reforms in several other European countries. Drawing on restructuring experiences gained in the last years, this conference reviews key aspects topics of the new restructuring frameworks. In addition, it explores the resilience of the restructuring frameworks in times of economic and geopolitical uncertainties.

Supervision of the bankruptcy trustee, costs of bankruptcy proceedings and remuneration of the bankruptcy trustee – comparative legal analysis on the basis of Lithuanian and Polish law


We are pleased to announce that Lazarski University in Warsaw and Mykolas Romeris University - School of Law (Vilnius) invite all interested scholars, practitioners and representatives of the judiciary, the legislature and the executive to a Polish-Lithuanian seminar titled: "Supervision of the bankruptcy trustee, costs of bankruptcy proceedings and remuneration of the bankruptcy trustee – comparative legal analysis on the basis of Lithuanian and Polish law".

AI in Law Congress


The AI in Law Congress is an event addressed to people who are interested in the application of artificial intelligence solutions in the field of justice and the legal professions as well as a wide range of enthusiasts seeking information about this dynamically developing technology and its legal aspects. The conference will create a platform for discussion, sharing experience, exploration of new technologies and networking.

INSOL Europe Annual Congress 2023


Where: Amsterdam, The Netherlands *** When: 12-15 October 2023

INSOL Europe Academic Conference 2023


Where: Amsterdam, The Netherlands *** When: 11-12 October 2023

INSOL Tokyo 2023


Where: Tokyo, Japan *** Where: 11-13 September 2023

Subsidiary liability of shareholders and directors: Ukrainian and Polish perspectives


We cordially invite anyone who may be interested to participate in the online seminar on: "Subsidiary liability of shareholders and directors: Ukrainian and Polish perspectives".

INSOL Europe EECC Conference 2023


After years of e-events, e-conferences, e-things, it is such a pleasure to have the opportunity to host the Eastern European Countries’ Committee Conference in the beautiful city of Vilnius, not in the metaverse.

Special complexities surrounding crypto insolvencies


INSOL International / World Bank Group L&R Webinar: Special complexities surrounding crypto insolvencies

EU sanctions against Russia and their effects on the bankruptcies of EU-based enterprises


We cordially invite anyone who may be interested to participate in the online seminar on: "EU sanctions against Russia and their effects on the bankruptcies of EU-based enterprises".

Program CERIL Conference on Harmonisation of EU Insolvency Law


Where: Leiden, The Netherlands *** When: 20-21 April 2023

Guide on the Treatment of Insolvent Micro and Small Enterprises in Asia


The Guide on the Treatment of Insolvent Micro and Small Enterprises in Asia (Guide) is produced under the Asian Principles of Business Restructuring project jointly undertaken by the Asian Business Law Institute and the International Insolvency Institute. It is the first published Guide that will collectively form the Asian Principles of Business Restrucuring

INSOL Europe Annual Congress 2022: Dubrovnik, Croatia


Registration is now open for the INSOL Europe Academic Forum's 18th annual conference, which will be held in Dubrovnik, Croatia, on Wednesday 5 October – Thursday 6 October 2022. The overall academic conference's theme will be “Insolvency Law in Times of Crisis”.

INSOL London 2022. The global event for the insolvency and restructuring profession


In June 2022, INSOL International will be holding its annual conference, which is the excellent opportunity to listen, learn, share, and network in person with the world’s insolvency and restructuring community.

INSOL Europe Annual Congress 2022


INSOL Europe invites to attend next and 40th Annual Congress in Dublin (Ireland) from 3-6 March 2022. This Congress marks the end of INSOL Europe's 40th anniversary year and will be the first ‘real time’ event that we have organised in nearly two years since the COVID-19 pandemic descended upon us.

Bankruptcy and restructuring proceedings from the legal and economic perspective - 1st Conference of Doctoral Students of social sciences in the field of bankruptcy, restructuring law and insolvency research


We cordially invite anyone who may be interested to participate in the 1st Conference of Doctoral Students of social sciences in the field of bankruptcy, restructuring law and insolvency research titled "Bankruptcy and restructuring proceedings from the legal and economic perspective". The conference is the first, interacademic event organised entirely by doctoral students and dedicated to them. We invite doctoral students who conduct their research in the field of social and economic sciences concerning issues of bankruptcy, insolvency and restructuring of entities and natural persons who do not conduct economic activity, to participate in the conference. The conference is to enable...

INSOL Virtual Conference 2021


In June 2021, INSOL International will be holding its second major virtual conference, delivering three days of content across three different time zones.

Public Creditors in Preventive Restructuring Frameworks: Considerations in the light of the Pandemic Crisis


INSOL Europe's Academic Forum invites on an online lecture by Professor N. Bermejo, on the topic of "Public Creditors in Preventive Restructuring Frameworks: Considerations in the light of the Pandemic Crisis", to be held online on 20 May 2021.

INSOL Europe and INSOL International Online Seminar - 15 APRIL 2021


INSOL International and INSOL Europe will present an online seminar on 15 April 2021. The seminar will address global hot-topics, looking at digital assets and insolvency and Covid-19 national temporary legislation. This is a great opportunity to focus on the things that matter most in the global economy right now and hear from thought leaders from across the globe. You can book here: https://eu.eventscloud.com/website/4177/

INSOL Europe: Spring Online Conference 2021


INSOL Europe which focuses on business recovery, insolvency issues and facilitating the exchange of information and ideas amongst its members and other international bodies is now holding new Spring Online Conference. The event will take place on March 4th, 2021 and March 18th, 2021. You can book here: https://www.insol-europe.org/events/book/276

INSOL Europe Annual Congress 2020 - Sorrento, Italy (1-4 October 2020)


INSOL Europe which focuses on business recovery, insolvency issues and facilitating the exchange of information and ideas amongst its members and other international bodies is now holding the Annual Congress from 1 to 4 October 2020 in Sorrento (Italy). Expect a tempting technical programme. An enriching plethora of debates and discussions under the visionary overall theme “Towards a New World”.

INSOL Europe - EECC 2020 - Kyiv, Ukraine (21-22 May 2020)


Eastern European countries' committee conference with the title: "Tectonic Changes in Ukrainian and International Insolvency". More information you will find here: https://www.insol-europe.org/events/0/start_date/asc/2020

International Exchange of Experience on Insolvency Law (IEEI)


International Exchange of Experience on Insolvency Law (IEEI) is a global network of Insolvency Law Experts founded in 2000 by the Ministry of Justice of the German land North Rhine-Westphalia. Their purpose is ie. the efficient and reliable exchanging the information and experience in the area of insolvency law on the basis of mutual trust. They also run annual colloquia on insolvency law related topics during which many insolvency law experts and international organisations can participate in the network. The last Colloquium was held in June 2019 in University of Cologne and the next one will be held in Milan, Italy, in May 2020.

The Colloquium organised by International Exchange of Experience on Insolvency Law (IEEI)


The next Colloquium organised by International Exchange of Experience on Insolvency Law (IEEI) will be held in Milan on 13-15 May 2020. During the Colloquium, there are planned to be extra-curricular activities on insolvency law related topics. The exact program will be published soon. Please confirm your attendance no later than by mid-February 2020 by email to Isabella Mazzone isabella.mazzone@rccdlex.com Please add Andreas Remmert, Caterina and Antonio as "cc:" remmert-andreas@bgh.bund.de; caterinamacchi18@gmail.com; antonio.azzara@gmail.com. The event will take place in the city centre a few steps away from Piazza Duomo: http://www.palazzogiureconsulti.it/en

Restructuring and Insolvency within the EU


This conference organised in cooperation with INSOL Europe Academic Forum aims to meet the requirements of insolvency lawyers to stay informed on the latest developments in jurisprudence and legislation in restructuring and insolvency matters at EU level. Main topics: (i) the new EU Directive on Restructuring and Insolvency, (ii) recent CJEU case law, (iii) post-Brexit implications.

INSOL International second annual Hong Kong Seminar


INSOL International, a world-wide federation of national associations of accountants and lawyers who specialise in turnaround and insolvency, is holding second annual Hong Kong Seminar on 18th October 2019. The programme includes a panel of expert discussion, ie. on the latest reforms of Hong Kong insolvency and restructuring laws, the use of Arbitration and Mediation in insolvency and the impact of AI and & Machine Learning on professional services.

P. R. China One Day Seminars - Shanghai


On 16th October 2019 in Shanghai, INSOL International organizes China One Day Seminar. Professor Li Shuguang, Helena Huang and Andrew Koo will lead an event on the key issues in cross-border restructuring and Asian insolvency, concerning both P. R. China and the region at large. After all, there will be an opportunity to network with attendees from both Asia and many professionals.

P. R. China One Day Seminars - Beijing


On 14th October in Beijing, INSOL International organizes China One Day Seminar. Professor Li Shuguang, Helena Huang and Andrew Koo will lead an event on the key issues in cross-border restructuring and Asian insolvency, concerning both P. R. China and the region at large. After all, there will be an opportunity to network with attendees from both Asia and many professionals.

INSOL Europe Annual Congress 2019: Copenhagen, Denmark


INSOL Europe which focuses on business recovery, insolvency issues and facilitating the exchange of information and ideas amongst its members and other international bodies is now holding the Annual Congress from 26 to 29 September 2019 in Denmark. The event will be conducted in the theme of “(Un)necessary preventive restructuring frameworks: Where are the limits?” with a reference to the proposals which are designed to avoid insolvency implemented by the EU. The programme provides many diverse topics which will lead to a debate.



The webinar organized by INSOL International will focus on 'Developments at UNCITRAL Working Group V, with the focus on the UNCITRAL Model Law on Recognition and Enforcement of Insolvency-Related Judgments'. The panel’s discussion will concerns mainly the best practice, how the Model Laws have been implemented and what are their current limitations. During the debate, there will be an opportunity to ask the Working Group V speakers bothering questions about the Model Law, the Rule in Gibbs, Working Group V developments and some others.

European Insolvency Proceedings Commentary on Regulation (EU) 2015/848 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 May 2015 on Insolvency Proceedings (Recast)

| IPUiR - Insolvency News

We are excited to announce a new book 'European Insolvency Proceedings Commentary on Regulation (EU) 2015/848 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 May 2015 on Insolvency Proceedings (Recast)’, edited by Anna Hrycaj & Patryk Filipiak

The EU restrictive measures (the sanctions) against Russia: Can insolvency proceedings be opened when economic resources and funds have been frozen by sanctions?

| IPUiR - Insolvency News

Russia's aggression against Ukraine resulted in the introduction of restrictive measures against entities associated with the Russian Federation both at the European Union level and in the Member States. The restrictive measures may apply to both natural and legal persons. One of the consequences of subjecting a given entity to restrictive measures is the freezing of funds and economic resources. Most often, the freezing of funds and economic resources means that such an entity is unable to continue its economic activity, loses financial liquidity, and, consequently, it should be declared bankrupt. European law understands the freezing of economic resources very broadly; it means preventing...